rainbow six siege tutorials and beginner challenges

Rainbow Six Siege - Onboarding

Role: Development Tester

During 2023 the new players onboarding process for the competitive tactical shooter Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Siege was improved with a revamped user experience flow for new players and in-game tutorials.
I participated as a development QA tester for a part of this process until its live launch, more remarkably on the aforementioned tutorials (Basics, Attack and Defense) and the Beginner Challenges feature.

alita unbreakable warrior

Alita: Unbreakable Warrior

Role: Behaviour and Level designer

Fast paced action RPG based on the GUNNM manga where the protagonist, Alita, explores and combats in various scenarios from said manga. This was a project for the subject of "project 3" where we, Jellybit, a team of 18 people, made a game with our own 3D engine. My role in the team was in an early stage, to make the playable character's behaviour, and later on to design the sewers level of the game.

warcraft ii

Warcraft II: The Stolen Artifacts

The Stolen Artifacts is a dungeon crawler RTS game made as an homage to the original Warcraft II game where the player has to alternate between searching for prisioners in the map and defending their base from monsters. The game was made as a project for the subject "project 2" by DevCrumbs, a team of 7 people. My contribution was quite diverse, from coding the logic of the buildings, to balancing the game's units or conducting the QA testings.


Gunbird tribute

This game is a recreation of the first level of the arcade shoot' em up game, Gunbird, made in C++ using the SDL library. This game was made by Ratkid Studios, a team of four people, for the "project 1" subject and the game can be played by two people at the same time with the 5 available characters of the original game plus an extra original character, Kyoko, made by the team.

sewer survivor

Sewer Survivor

CMS game made in Unity where the player has to manage to mantain alive a crew of people for 6 days in a world with a deadly virus and zombies wanting to attack a human camp. The objective in making this game was to learn the different ways AI could work in videogames and learn some tools in Unity in order to make these AI agents in the game.

maga man requiem

Mega Man Requiem

Mega Man Requiem is a 2D platformer made in C++ with the SDL library, homage of the Mega Man games. The game has two levels and the objective is to clear both while getting all the letters scattered in the levels to win points. The main objectives of making this game were to learn to make the pathfinding A* algorithm and learn to work with the module structure of the code in order to add new systems on top of the base code.



CarEleven is a competitive party game I made with Aitor Vélez, where two players in the form of cars have to push each other into the abyss in order to win. This game was made with C++, using the SDL and OpenGL library, but this project's objective was to learn a 3D physics library, in this case Bullet.

firefighter pinball

Firefighter Pinball

Pinball game I made with Aitor Vélez, recreation of an online pinball game. The game is made with C++ using the SDL library and the Box2D physics library, which learning how to manage was the learning goal of making this game.

frogger online

Frogger online

Frogger online, as its name says, is the original frogger game, but with the twist that two people can play toghether online and compete to see who crosses the road and lake most times. This game was made by a team of four, utilizing Unity and the PUN library to manage the online part of the game.

jojo bizarre circuit

JoJo's Bizarre Circuit

Augmented Reality mobile game that uses JoJo characters, made with Julià Mauri, where the objective is to reach the man without touching the fences to explode on him. The game was made in Unity with the Vuforia engine library to manage the AR part of the game.

Stand Mania

Mobile game made with Julià Mauri and Marc Tarrés that uses JoJo characters. The game is a rock-paper-scissors like game where both players choose a JoJo character and according to some parameters one of them wins. The game was made with flutter and uses firebase to store data on the cloud and to connect with a remote player.